Artificial Intelligence - Game Changer 2020, Hamburg, Germany
"Digital transformation is like conquering a summit for the first time."
Which stategic options come along with intelligent technologies?
There can be no alternative to digital transformation – visionary companies will secure new strategic options, while those that refuse to adapt will fail. Roland Berger Digital expert Ashok Kaul immerges into an inspiring panel discussion and provides insights on how to decipher relevant digital topics, how to drive the needed cultural transformation and how to master new cross-functional working methodologies.
The prominent speaker line-up counts Brigitte Zypries (retired Federal Minister of Economics), AI "pope" Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster (CEA Deutsches Forschungszentrum for Artificial Intelligence), Alexander Britz (AI expert at Microsoft) and Nicola Beer (Vice President European Parliament & Deputy Federal Representative FDP).