Macroeconomics & Geopolitics

Macroeconomics & Geopolitics

Our regular analyses help businesses across the globe navigating macroeconomic complexity and geopolitical shifts

"A profound understanding of macroeconomic and geopolitical developments is crucial for every business’ success."
Portrait of David Born
Senior Manager
Frankfurt Office, Central Europe

The current global economic landscape is characterized by a heightened level of uncertainty, creating challenges for businesses in strategizing for the future. The relative calm of a prolonged period featuring stable inflation, low interest rates, and steady globalization has been disrupted. Now, pivotal macroeconomic shifts such as deteriorating trade dynamics, rising inflation, increasing interest rates, and fears of a gradual fragmentation of global value chains have taken center stage.

Prevailing assumptions about unimpeded trade flows for goods and services are facing hurdles due to geopolitical shifts, as the emphasis on greater economic and technological self-reliance – often disguised as resilience – trumps the long-held efficiency paradigm.

We regularly publish insightful reports that delve into these challenges and their impact on our clients, equipping them to navigate the intricate web of macroeconomic and geopolitical shifts. All the reports in this section are the product of rigorous analysis by the Roland Berger Institute (RBI), our internal think tank at Roland Berger.

Quarterly updates on the most pressing economic topics

The RBI Quarterly consistently offers insights on pivotal economic issues that, while extending beyond everyday business, exert profound effects on it. Readers will gain access to factual data, comprehensive analyses, and cogent conclusions that offer a lucid perspective on the subject at hand. Among the topics we explore are the implications of a possible disconnection of the Chinese economy from Europe and the US, and the potential of Southeast Asia as the emerging global manufacturing hub of choice.

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What if? Analyzing long-term impacts of current economic developments

The “What if?” format is devised to delve into potential long-term ramifications of current economic and geopolitical developments. Based on rigid analyses of historical data and forecasts, we step by step build an argument around the potential outcomes of a specific event or trend.

Designed to foster scenario-based thinking, the "what if" format presents readers with a systematic approach to dissect issues, utilizing empirical data to extract insights and draw definitive conclusions. Among others, we explore the consequences if the US dollar were to lose its position as the world's reserve currency.

What if?
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Semi-annual analyses on the state and outlook of the German economy

Our semi-annual publication on the German economy (available only in German) provides a detailed examination of the forces molding the German economy, offering in-depth analyses that facilitate informed decision-making.

Supported by official data and various forecasts, our bi-annual report aids decision-makers and engaged readers by providing both a snapshot of the current state of the German economy and its short-term outlook .

German economy
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