Attracting industrial sector investments in the Middle East markets

Attracting industrial sector investments in the Middle East markets

February 20, 2024

A strategic roadmap to unlocking the full potential of FDIs in ME

In a world where economic dynamics are constantly evolving, our latest report delves into the heart of this transformative journey, offering insightful analysis and a pragmatic approach to boosting Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) in key markets of the Middle East.

"To attract sustainable industrial investments, it is crucial to meticulously evaluate each opportunity and conduct case-specific cost-benefit analyses. Aim to foster a self-sustaining ecosystem with a 'flywheel' effect"
Portrait of Arvind CJ
Abu Dhabi Office, Middle East

Discover why, despite the immense potential, countries in this region have historically captured a mere 1-5% of GDP through FDI – a stark contrast to the more robust figures of over 30% seen in economies like Hong Kong and Singapore. This comprehensive report explores the urgent need for substantial investments to cater to a growing population and aspiring markets.

Central to our discussion is the under-tapped potential of the manufacturing and industrial sectors. Recognized for their high job creation and GDP multipliers, these sectors are ripe for foreign capital infusion. However, the journey so far has been marked by geographical concentration and fluctuating investment trends. Our report aims to unravel the key success factors that policymakers must target to revitalize these investments.

Drawing from our extensive project experiences, we propose a 5-step strategy for Middle East countries to bolster industrial sector investments. This strategy includes setting a solid foundation aligned with national ambitions, understanding competitive advantages and disadvantages, analyzing global and local investor landscapes, initiating investor outreach, and navigating through effective negotiations.

Our report outlines these steps and emphasizes the need for customization and case-by-case adjustments to meet specific targets for industrial investments. It highlights the crucial role coordinated efforts among various stakeholders, ministries, and departments of alongside advanced negotiation techniques during the execution phase

Join us as we navigate these strategic insights, offering a detailed roadmap for policymakers, investors, and industry leaders aiming to transform the Middle East economy through effective and sustainable foreign direct investments. Stay ahead of the curve in understanding the complexities and opportunities of FDI in this dynamic region.

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Attracting industrial sector investments in the Middle East markets


Discover the untapped potential of the Middle East as a hotspot for foreign direct investments (FDI) in the industrial sector. This article unveils a strategic roadmap for policymakers to attract and sustain FDI, crucial for diversification and economic resilience beyond oil dependence. Learn the five-step approach derived from project experiences, guiding nations to align ambitions, leverage competitive advantages, and navigate investor landscapes

Published February 2024. Available in
Further readings