AI think, therefore AI am
What exactly do people mean when they talk about AI in 2018? Where do I start if I want to embrace AI in my business? Get your questions answered in our Think:Act magazine on artificial intelligence.
What are the cutting-edge advances in the digital world of the Industrial Internet of Things? When will airplanes be fully electric? How is regenerative medicine transforming the health sector? Who will benefit most from building information modeling? Find out in our studies.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is set to become a multibillion industry in the next three to five years. Rapid advances in technology are enabling manufacturers to connect more and more devices to rich cloud services. IIoT platforms will offer major opportunities for industrial companies – as long as they know how to handle them. We investigate how IIoT ecosystems are developing across five business layers, from cloud service providers to end users. We then set out the questions that companies must ask themselves in order to successfully navigate the complexity and zero in on key success factors.
Defining your future role:
Our study
Mastering the Industrial Internet of Things
presents a four-step approach to navigating the complexity.
Building information modeling (BIM) is about to change the face of the construction industry . It will speed up the process of managing building projects, increase efficiency and ultimately cut costs. Yet BIM poses a threat to many existing business models. Those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. Roland Berger expert Philipp Hoff warns that "companies without access to the system will see themselves disappear from the market in the medium term. They will not be visible on the platform, and the process of collaborating and coordinating with them will therefore cost others time and money." BIM is more than just a set of digital tools for people to use. It's about effecting real digital transformation within companies.
Achieving real transformation:
There is no "one size fits all" solution. Develop one that's right for you. Find more information in the study
Disruptive Impact of Building Information Modelling
We are on the cusp of a revolution in the aerospace and aviation industries. Electrically propelled aircraft will become the new norm. The move towards electric aviation has just begun. A significant number of barriers remain. Market demand is limited for the short-haul flights that are currently feasible. Technologically speaking, new batteries, motors and configurations must still be developed. We evaluate the landscape and possible applications. We then group the potential technological and regulatory changes into four scenarios, mapping the future of electric aircraft and implications for the industry.
Preparing for the next trend:
Understand the coming revolution. We present four scenarios in the study
New Developments in Aircraft Electrical Propulsion
The EU has set ambitious targets for the energy transition. Decentralized energy systems are playing an ever increasing role. Yet there are still obstacles on the path to an energy revolution – such as the lack of standardized regulation in the European energy market. We asked 50 experts to identify key factors influencing the development of European decentralized energy systems through 2035. They responded with 13 critical uncertainties and 16 future trends, which we then group into four future scenarios. One thing is certain: Policymakers and market players must act to make decentralized energy in Europe a success.
Shining a light on the future:
From a slow-moving market to a green revolution. Learn about the scenarios reshaping the industry in the study
Europe's Decentralized Energy Market
Regenerative medicine promises novel therapeutic approaches that can replace or restore the function of tissues and even entire organs. This is a major shift for the industry – with implications for the treatment of damaged organs, cancer, genetic disorders and autoimmune diseases. Yet Big Pharma is currently less active in this field than other players. There is a real risk that they might miss out on the opportunities. We assess how players can evolve from drug product manufacturers to providers of therapeutic interventions. We also investigate what strategies will be necessary to secure their future position.
Shaking up the health care sector:
Don't miss out on the next wave in the industry – as described in the study "
Revolutionary Power of Regenerative Medicine
". Reexamine your position and develop a strategy.
What exactly do people mean when they talk about AI in 2018? Where do I start if I want to embrace AI in my business? Get your questions answered in our Think:Act magazine on artificial intelligence.
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