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FLEX – More care at lower cost

Portrait of René Seijger
Senior Partner, Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman
Dubai Office, Middle East
September 16, 2014

There are many changes coming up in the healthcare sector that challenge both costs and quality. This offers opportunities to rethink the current way of working in the broadest sense: from processes to products, organization and leadership.

With FLEX Roland Berger has a proven approach that goes beyond traditional process improvement and that shows how to improve quality while reducing costs. However, this takes courage to think differently and truly act differently.


FLEX – more care at lower cost


Improving quality of long-term care in times of tightened healthcare budgets is only possible when you dare to think and act differently – lessons from the Netherlands.

Published September 2014. Available in
Portrait of Erwin Douma
Senior Partner
Amsterdam Office, Western Europe
+31 2 0796-0600