UK exports to the EU in Aerospace, Automotive and Chemicals in 2014

Future of Brexit
London is Europe’s innovation hub—but post-Brexit, Paris or Berlin could take its place. The UK’s risk of being reduced to its island state: missing out on global tech opportunities and progress despite a start-up and innovation scene with great potential. A threat to the UK’s future development; a call to action for Paris & Berlin?
We should also take a step back – and look at the long-term future.
In light of the United Kingdom’s upcoming European Union membership referendum on June 23 all major institutions and think tanks have published reports and studies about the potential consequences of a so-called Brexit, including a very pessimistic paper by the British treasury claiming a maximum loss of 7.5% GDP over the next 15 years in the event that the UK leaves the EU without any kind of trade agreement. Our colleagues at Roland Berger UK have summarized the main findings and produced a very insightful analysis of the current situation.
And while most committed Europeans are feverishly trying to put numbers on the potential (negative) consequences of an EU exit, linked to different economic elements such as trade, foreign direct investments (FDI), stock exchange values, domestic consumption etc., I believe that we should also take a step back – and look at the long-term future.