How human is your digital agenda?

How human is your digital agenda?

May 21, 2016

  • Digitization is increasingly pervading all processes in the workplace. In the run-up to the Peter Drucker Forum teaser “How human is your digital agenda?” at Roland Berger in Munich, Berger CEO Charles-Edouard Bouée talked to the German international broadcaster “Deutsche Welle” about the challenges and opportunities presented by digital forms of organization – and their impact on employees, managers and the labor market.

Technology is only the tip of the iceberg

In the interview Bouée reveals the crux of the matter: “When we try to define digital organization, we initially think of technological devices: employees with laptop computers under their arms, permanently connected to a shared virtual platform, people working from a multitude of external locations and with people they have never physically met.”

According to the Roland Berger CEO, it is a fact that over the last few decades all major changes in the workplace have occurred as a result of the impact of new technology.

However, as Bouée explained, innovation is more than machines replacing humans and technology is only the tip of the iceberg. “Change that is only technology-driven has little prospect of success.” Technology must be seen in a broader context, one including organization and culture – an approach that Bouée has already put forward in his essay: “Light Footprint Management, Leadership in Times of Change.” Our dossier on Light Footprint Management covers the topic in detail, too.

For the full interview with “Deutsche Welle” click here . If you prefer the German version, please use this link .