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Know Thyself

May 30, 2016

Growth is emerging as a fundamental challenge across many industries. Our analysis shows: Growth in invested capital has declined for the industry (analysis of 142 chemical companies) and between 2012-2015, only 23% of companies (14% in invested capital) delivered profitable growth.

To help companies address this challenge, Roland Berger is introducing a trilogy of articles focused on the key challenges that are currently being faced by companies in delivering profitable growth.

Part 1: Know Thyself, explores using our Business Essence framework to help companies acquire a simple and true understanding if the business and its competitive advantage. We believe that this understanding is a vital prerequisite to successful growth – both organic and inorganic.

Roland Berger THINK ACT Know-Thyself

Know Thyself


Delivering profitable growth – the elusive frontier: Part 1 - Chemicals edition

Published May 2016. Available in
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Shashin Shah

Boston Office, North America
+1 617 310-6600