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Peak oil in the OECD – where tomorrow?

Portrait of David Frans
Senior Partner
Frankfurt Office, Central Europe
+31 20 7960-600
May 24, 2017

The oil price is mainly influenced by geopolitical developments, OPEC oil production decisions, exploitation of shale/tight oil, climate policies and oil demand developments.

There are some important observations about the development of the global oil demand, which has already had a peak in 2005 in the world’s 35 most developed countries. The question is when the rest will follow. Only in 3 of the top 10 largest oil-consuming countries, demand is still growing (China, India and South Korea).

Oil demand? Asia matters most.
Oil demand? Asia matters most.

David Frans published a blog about peak oil recently. In this publication, too, we relate oil consumption to GDP levels – and vehicle emission targets.


Peak oil in the OECD – where tomorrow?


The oil price is mainly influenced by geopolitical developments, OPEC oil production decisions, exploitation of shale/tight oil, climate policies and oil demand developments

Published May 2017. Available in