Predictive Maintenance
Servicing tomorrow – and where we are really at today
There is no question about the importance of Predictive Maintenance (PM) to German engineering as an area of potential in the field of industrial digitization. Accordingly, it has a regular slot on the agendas of most companies. However, this is another area where the heavily technology-driven innovation philosophy favored by machine and component builders comes to light. In many cases, the other major success factors – such as a precise understanding of customers' needs and the clear alignment of business models with these needs – have not yet been tackled with commensurate systematic rigor.
This is one result of the joint study by Roland Berger, German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association VDMA, and trade fair operator Deutsche Messe. This broad-based corporate survey is meant to keep the debate on an objective level and establish where the development of predictive maintenance is at right now. We paint a clear picture of the current status of PM solutions and the degree to which German engineering has adopted and implemented them.
We asked how German mechanical engineering firms rate the importance, opportunities and possible risks of PM for their future business. Many companies expect further growth due to the new service business. With regard to product and service offerings for PM, we wanted to know what the current status of development in the industry is, and what companies see as the principal areas where action must be taken to establish and expand a leading array of PM services.
In the overwhelming majority of companies, the question of how to earn money on PM services is obviously a very wide spread problem as firms move to set up PM business models. It is evident that current considerations tend more toward cost-based billing than performance-oriented and hence "more digital" pricing models.
This publication summarizes the key findings of the survey.
THINK ACT COO INSIGHTS: Service Excellence
THINK ACT COO INSIGHTS: Industrie 4.0 and beyond
Servicing tomorrow – and where we are really at today