Silicon carbide in automotive power electronics

Silicon carbide in automotive power electronics

May 15, 2024

Exploring trends and opportunities in SiC manufacturing capacity and market demand

As electric vehicles (EVs) transition to 800 V and higher systems, silicon carbide (SiC) will play a key role in enabling more efficient drivetrains, superior performance, longer ranges and faster charging times. Roland Berger’s latest publication takes a deep dive into the supply of and demand for silicon carbide, giving automotive decision-makers a valuable heads-up on how it will affect manufacturing capacity and future market demand.

Silicon Carbide

Substantial growth projections (see the chart below) show how OEMs are already buying into SiC technology for planned future platform rollouts. Production at scale will nevertheless be challenging and expensive.

Our publication therefore discusses issues such as:

  • How SiC manufacturers are striving to overcome obstacles and curb production costs
  • The scale and trajectory of investment in SiC fabs worldwide
  • What automotive OEMs – scarred by the recent semiconductor crisis – are doing to deglobalize supply chains and safeguard future access to SiC
  • How faltering EV sales could affect SiC production and even lead to temporary overcapacity
  • And how OEMs can seize this opportunity and turn it to their advantage

Current forecasts indicate that 800 V and higher voltage systems will be fitted in one in three electric vehicles by 2030. This figure alone underscores the timely nature of this new Roland Berger publication and shows how vital it is for OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers to position themselves swiftly for the transition ahead.

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