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Straight and level

May 18, 2017

From our experience, performance issues at airlines can often be attributed to a few individual causes. To name just a few:

  • Pricing models with limited stimulation of passenger demand
  • Unclear price and product positioning
  • Low productivity of aircraft and crew driven by network and schedule structure
  • High aircraft operating costs
  • Unsuitable portfolio of ancillary services for the given market environment – Too large or too small
  • No view on the most attractive passenger segments, undifferentiated commercial approach

The good news: For most airlines, there is a wide range of optimization levers available challenging the underlying revenue and cost structures. Roland Berger can help airlines address these issues successfully.


Straight and level


Our approach to improving airline performance

Published May 2017. Available in
Portrait of Tobias Schoenberg
Senior Partner, Managing Director Middle East
Dubai Office, Middle East
+971 4 446-4080
Portrait of René Seijger
Senior Partner, Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman
Dubai Office, Middle East
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