The 360° checkup
Identifying operational and organizational risks in the time of Covid-19
Global Topic
Roland Berger's 360° checkup helps detect operational and organizational risks associated with Covid-19. Pragmatic checklists help you screen four core areas in detail and identify areas where action is needed.

- Operational business: Ensuring the provision of central resources, e.g. by safeguarding or – if necessary – restructuring supply chains, is a decisive factor in keeping your operational business running. Our 360° checkup examines the entire upstream and downstream value chain and identifies areas where action is needed.
- Corporate headquarters: Core administrative functions at head office are also checked during a 360° checkup. This includes looking, in particular, at critical functions such as accounting or human resources to verify that they are able to operate – even in times of adapted working practices such as remote working. In this context, our screening also highlights critical factors such as resilient IT resources.
- Employee health: As part of the 360° checkup, policies are reviewed and refined as necessary to minimize the risk of infection. Immediate measures such as the tightening of hygiene regulations, guidelines for working at home or the targeted restriction of travel activity help protect the workforce and relevant service providers and help contain the spread of the disease.
- Communication: Targeted, fact-based and regular communication is a crucial success factor in a crisis or special situation. Communication planning must involve both internal and external stakeholders. Our screening identifies key stakeholder groups and their needs and provides a basis for developing a targeted communication strategy.
Within the scope of the 360° checkup, we work with our clients to analyze significant risks in their business. In doing so, we create the basis for successful crisis management .
Further reading