Key perspectives for propelling growth in the country's tourism sector
Introduction - Context of The UAE Tourism Strategy 2031
The UAE Tourism Strategy 2031 has been announced in November 2022 and consists of four key pillars:
Strengthening the unified national tourism identity
Developing and diversifying specialised tourism products
Building tourism capabilities and encouraging the contribution of national cadres in the tourism sector
Increasing investments in all tourism sectors.
"The UAE constantly sets the bar higher when it comes to developing and expanding the country’s tourism sector. The UAE Tourism Strategy 2031 with all defined objectives outlines a clear view going forward giving the sector the right direction to further prosper and grow over the coming decade."
The new National Tourism Strategy 2031 is also designed to boost the tourism sector’s GDP contribution to AED 450 billion, at an annual increase of AED 27 billion, along with attracting new additional investments of AED 100 billion to the country. Further, as a major player in the global tourism market, the country is poised to welcome 40 million hotel guests by 2031.
Hence, the strategy will set the Gulf nation on track to creating an attractive and safe environment with a strong focus on sustainability, technology, and cultural exchange. The plan includes a roadmap for designing the optimal approach for maintaining competitiveness and a steady stream of tourists in the future.
This Roland Berger publication provides key perspectives on what does it take for the country to achieve the defined objectives of the tourism strategy and it further outlines key considerations for the UAE to act on to further propel growth of tourism in the country.
Across the four key pillars of the UAE Tourism Strategy 2031 this main part of the report outlines a key perspective on what initiatives could be pursued by the UAE tourism sector under each pillar to successfully achieve the strategy objectives of the tourisms strategy.
Under pillar 1 – strengthening the unified national tourism identity
How can the UAE provide a consolidated approach for country-wide tourism growth with still maintaining the uniqueness of each Emirate?
Under pillar 2 – developing and diversifying specialised tourism products
What should be the right touristic offering in the country to increase spending of tourists? What customer groups shall be attracted going forward?
Under pillar 3 – building tourism capabilities and encouraging the contribution of national cadres in the tourism sector
What are current Emiratization levels in the UAE tourism workforce? What are the UAE’s objectives when it comes to tourism workforce? What could be initiatives to boost Emiratization levels in the UAE tourism sector?
Under pillar 4 – increasing investments in all tourism sectors
What is the investment landscape when it comes to tourism in the UAE and how to drive further investments into the country’s tourism sector?
The UAE Tourism Strategy 2031
This Roland Berger publication provides key perspectives on what does it take for the country to achieve the defined objectives of the tourism strategy and it further outlines key considerations for the UAE to act on to further propel growth of tourism in the country.