The asset efficiency game
Asset efficiency is a key differentiating factor for companies working in asset-intensive industries, especially in light of increasing competition and commoditization.
Asset efficiency is a key differentiating factor for companies working in asset-intensive industries, especially in light of increasing competition and commoditization. In this study, we look at how well global companies, headquartered in Germany, are playing the asset efficiency game.
We investigate how efficiently these players adapt to changing market environments. The key indicator we look at is the "fixed asset turnover ratio" – or how many euros a company makes for each euro it has invested in assets. To cover the main players in this game, we look at the fixed asset turnover ratio of more than 150 public companies from 12 asset-intensive sectors.
We are convinced it is essential that companies maintain a high level of asset efficiency wherever they find themselves in the economic cycle – be it growth, boom or bust. A robust framework and systematic approach are of immeasurable value when identifying which steps need to be taken. We identify four transformation areas where firms can take action on asset efficiency. Companies must decide which area to address first.
Working by your side, we can develop a bank of actions tailored to your particular industry and asset situation. Our tried-and-tested solutions, combined with innovative approaches and a radically digital mindset, can help make you a winner in the asset efficiency game.
Asset efficiency is a key differentiating factor for companies working in asset-intensive industries, especially in light of increasing competition and commoditization.