Analyze where you stand and get initial recommendations by taking our self-test
"If you are forced to reinvent your organization, you first have to know what your individual situation is – this will inform all further steps. Our online test helps you analyze where you stand."
After a decade of economic boom, the prospects in Germany and Europe are becoming increasingly gloomy. The consequences are predictable: lower profits for companies, falling tax revenues and thus shrinking budgets for public institutions. Yet the risks and requirements are growing at the same time: Just look at the refugee crisis or Brexit, the coal phase-out or tighter emissions limits, artificial intelligence or new data privacy rules. Such issues, which can often be resolved in good times by throwing money at them, will not be mastered in the foreseeable future without a wholesale restructuring of business models or ways of working. Many companies and public institutions alike thus face being forced to fundamentally reinvent themselves: they must transform their organization.
Experience shows that it's not only the effects that trigger a transformation that are very diverse; the individual circumstances of those affected also vary wildly: A large organization equipped with good resources, for example, which finds itself compelled to change course by the weight of political reforms, faces very different challenges than a corporate entity that might have come up with an innovation but does not have the resources to take it forward on its own.
Individual situation determines individual approach
It follows that the respective approaches and measures adopted must themselves be individualized, in some cases considerably: Something that leads to success in one case can be a senseless waste of resources in another. The first step towards transformation is therefore to build a clear picture of your individual situation, including an assessment of the time pressure you are under, your available resources and the willingness of your organization to change. This knowledge is what informs all further considerations. We have therefore created an online test that you as an institution, public authority or private-sector company can use to analyze your own situation in a matter of minutes. The results are presented to you in the form of suitable next steps for you to take as you proceed towards a successful transformation.
Take our online test and get a quick analysis of where your key challenges lie and how you can tackle them successfully.
Roland Berger has developed a transformation approach that enables us to bring about the necessary change together with you in a targeted manner with a focus on outcomes. You will find the first steps in our 100-day program – individually tailored to your result in the self-test. Request it here free of charge.
If you would like to discuss any further questions with us in person, we will be happy to support you.
For further information please contact Heiko Ammermann .