Trend Compendium 2030, Megatrend 5
Dynamic Technology & Innovation
Seven megatrends are shaping our future and the way we do business. Join us as we take an expansive look at dynamic technology and innovation, addressing the sub trends "Power of innovation", "Life Sciences" and "Digital Transformation". We also provide expert insights into the latest research and make relevant recommendations for business leaders.
Over the coming decades, disruptive, as well as enduring innovations will change our lives and drive wealth. There is a positive power to innovation, as it helps to solve the major challenges facing humanity, for example providing water, food and healthcare for a growing and aging population, using resources more efficiently, or fighting climate change. The fields of biology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals hold particular promise in combating these challenges. In terms of patent applications, life sciences markets are increasingly shifting from the US to Asian countries, while national research clusters in Asia are beginning to flourish.
One of the most promising fields of innovation – digital transformation – comprises Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0/Industrial Internet and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Progress in the area of AI, such as autonomous cars, robots or machine learning is impressive and will have wide reaching impact. The transformation is taking place at breakneck speed. The number of connected devices is set to almost double (+ 83%) between 2015 and 2021 (Ericsson), and 100 million consumers will shop using augmented reality by 2020 (Gartner). It should come as no surprise that companies using AI, big data and IoT technologies will take over USD 1.2 trillion in revenue per annum globally from less digital oriented businesses by 2020 (Forrester).
To capture the full potential of innovation – companies can profit from innovation roadmaps and research networks. Making use of the digital transformation to unlock new growth pathways requires creative thinking. Success comes only with a customer-centric approach and an agile corporate culture, embedded in a holistic digital platform strategy. Offering insights that target issues running across industries, we help to tailor your strategies to both your product and your market. It is time to embrace a broader perspective beyond your core business.
Dynamic Technology & Innovation