open to new adventures.

Be open to new adventures.

Together into new dimensions

Experienced hires

As well as career starters, we're also looking for professionals – people with experience. From MBA students and graduates with previous work experience, to seasoned experts or those with a couple of years in their industry behind them, you have the know-how.

So do we. We can make things happen and it doesn't need to follow a set path. Let's talk about what your dream role looks like and how we can make it real.

Experience Report
Portrait of Chia Hsien Lim, Kuala Lumpur office
Chia Hsien Lim, Kuala Lumpur office
Having spent a big part of my career in financial services, I was looking for a new challenge and was fortunate enough to pursue the MBA with the goal of transforming my career. Through this journey, consulting stood out as a career that suited my ambition, and Roland Berger appeared the best fit. My path with Roland Berger has been truly fulfilling and rewarding in many aspects. Workwise, I am able to expand my competencies beyond financial services into other industries. The fast-paced culture creates a steep learning curve and stretches me intellectually. The global presence of the organization also provides me an opportunity to build an international career that is flexible to my preference. Outside of work, the family-like environment is felt widely across the organization where likeminded colleagues double as close friends in a social setting. Unlike most organizations I've previously worked in, I believe Roland Berger's core values of entrepreneurship, excellence and empathy truly embodies everything about the organization.

Recognizing trends, understanding your industry – we value your expertise.
Recognizing trends, understanding your industry – we value your expertise.
Experience Report
Portrait of Rebecca Beagan, Boston
Rebecca Beagan, Boston
Pursuing my MBA was one of the best decisions of my life. I had doubts, as some say that years of consulting negate the need for an MBA. But with the sponsorship and support of Roland Berger, I began my MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in September of 2017 in their 2-year full-time program. During my time at Booth, I was able to grow professionally and personally, as well as build an extensive network with my classmates. Professionally, I learned from brilliant professors, including Nobel Prize winners; improved my leadership skills working in class project teams; and built an extensive, global network. Personally, I made health and fitness changes, traveled to ~15 countries, hiked the Grand Canyon, scuba-dived the Great Barrier Reef, wrote and published a book, ran a marathon, and met my (now) husband. The MBA to me was about discovering myself more, growing my leadership skills through a better self-awareness, building life-long friendships, and of course being exposed to the world of business in an entirely new way through the brilliant professors and students I interacted with every day. To say it was life-changing is an understatement, as I returned to Roland Berger with a robust business toolkit from a world-class institution, as well as more maturity, life experiences and stories, and confidence to continue my career.

What we are looking for

Knowledgeable, creative and entrepreneurial – you have personality. You also have experience: That special ingredient that cannot be trained or fast-tracked into existence. Just a few years can make a difference. You're a game changer. The person who solves problems, who turns projects around. Tell us more.

You're a team player. You enjoy a diverse and lively workplace – being around people who challenge and rely on you – and support you back.

Your qualifications

You have an impressive Master's, PhD or MBA. Your professional experience shows in your demeanor, expertise and depth of vision. Perhaps you already work as a consultant or are an expert in your industry.

You have a proven track record in assessing and managing risk. Identifying trends is second nature to you. You understand that we live in an increasingly interconnected world. Looking beyond your immediate sector excites you and you have developed thinking on integrated markets and industries.

You create impact – solutions that not only work on paper, but also in practice. Our clients will find you invaluable. You've achieved a lot and have the network, credentials and achievements to prove it. Let's take them even further.

Your personality

Even with years in the field, you're as open-minded and adaptable as when you first started. You still love to learn, research and innovate.

You apply that knowledge. You're hands-on, keen to turn theory into practice. You always find a creative, yet practical, solution. You follow through.

You're alert, engaged and respectful – qualities that inspire respect in return. You may even have had the opportunity to lead and manage a team. It's certainly a skill you're keen to develop with us.

People who work at Roland Berger approach their tasks with enthusiasm. Their profession is a vocation. But they have a life outside the office - hobbies and passions you'd never expect from a consultant.

Selection process

What awaits you

The second step

Let's meet in person. Tell us what inspires you. This is an opportunity for you to tell us about your career to date. Share the achievements you're most proud of – the ones you'd like to build on. Let us know why you are interested in Roland Berger in particular.

Have you been thinking about your ideal next step? You have experience and insight. There must be a lot of opportunities you're spotting. Let's discuss them and pool our resources. We have a wealth of experience, support and reach to offer you.

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