Christian Knopf
Christian Knopf advises clients on transactions and deal-driven transformations. His expertise includes post-merger integration (PMI), carve-outs, portfolio management, and the structured development of organizational frameworks. He has a particular interest in preserving and enhancing IT and digital capabilities within the transaction landscape.
While his primary focus is on the automotive industry, he has also gained extensive experience in the machinery and financial services sectors.
Christian began his career at Roland Berger in 2015 before joining a leading automotive supplier in 2019 as a Manager for Strategy and M&A. After working on several transactions, he played a key role in the PMI efforts following a merger with a French competitor. Since 2022, Christian has served as Chief Digital Officer, where he established and scaled the company’s digital department from the ground up.
He holds a business degree from WHU Vallendar and recently moved back to his hometown of Hamburg. He enjoys hiking in the summer, skiing in the winter, and the occasional round of soccer. A member of a competitive quiz team, he is always ready to tackle tough questions—both on and off the clock.