Portrait of René Seijger

René Seijger

Senior Partner, Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman
Dubai Office

, Middle East


René Seijger is Senior Partner, based out of Dubai. As a co-founder of Roland Berger’s Dutch office in 2002, René Seijger has been with the global management firm for more than 20 years and brings three decades of experiences to the role.

An expert in the automotive, transport, and healthcare sectors, René specializes in strategy and restructuring and is an avid proponent of new mobility concepts, particularly with regards to autonomous vehicles. He is highly dedicated to all his clients and supports them in redesigning and adapting their strategies in a rapidly changing environment.

René studied Business at the University of Twente. In 2012, he published "Trojan Horses of Decline", a book that addresses how management and supervisors can recognize corporate decline at an early stage.

The key to my work is impact: getting tangible results by strengthening struggling sectors.
René Seijger

The Last Mile

René Seijger

Study, June 28, 2017

Straight and level

Tool, May 18, 2017

Available in NL

Smart Mobility Sessions

René Seijger

Point of view, May 10, 2017

Available in NL

Slimme mobiliteit: van product naar dienst

René Seijger

Point of view, May 2, 2017

Available in NL

Slag van de zeehavens

Arnoud van der Slot

Study, December 7, 2016

The light airline

Martin Streichfuss

Tool, October 24, 2016

Autonomous Trucks

Study, January 12, 2015

Autonomous driving

Wolfgang Bernhart

Think:Act, November 30, 2014

FLEX – more care at lower cost

René Seijger

Think:Act, September 16, 2014

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