Portrait of Thilo Kaltenbach

Thilo Kaltenbach

Senior Partner
Munich Office, Central Europe
+49 89 9230-8651

Dr. Thilo Kaltenbach is a Senior Partner in Roland Berger’s Pharma & Healthcare practice in Munich. He advises healthcare organizations, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Technology companies as well as financial investors worldwide on Healthcare related topics.

His primary focus is to help organizations on transformational pathways. These might be initiated by innovations, technological advancement, ownership changes, financing related issues, as well as upcoming crisis situations.

Thilo is Co-Author of the Future of Health series, a Roland Berger thought leadership publication dealing with transformative developments in healthcare, as well as of the global Pharma and the global Medtech study.

In addition, he is engaged in many transformation projects for healthcare organizations worldwide.

Thilo is a registered pharmacist and holds a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and a degree in Business Administration.

" For me, consulting is about adding value and assisting in a permanent process of transformation. "
Portrait of Thilo Kaltenbach

Thilo Kaltenbach

Senior Partner
Munich Office, Central Europe
Digitization: New Opportunities for the Health Sector
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