Megacastings radically simplify automotive production. But they further also have major implications for the automotive vehicle chain. We examine the challenges.
A free online tool to assess performance and identify growth opportunities in the automotive aftermarket.
A challenging outlook for industrial automation in 2025, but after a short breather, we believe robust growth will be back in the pipeline and expect improvement through 2030.
Our Partner Marco Horstmann hosts a North German Restructuring Meeting in Hamburg. The guests gain exciting insights into the future of the German economy by renowned experts, among them Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner, risk management and futurologist, TU Dresden and CEO of the FutureValue Group, and Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker, strategy expert and former Chairman and CEO of Roland Berger.
, Southeast Asia
Nikhil Sachdeva, Christopher Schmitt, Florian Dehne, Diego Ibarra, Dieter Billen
Article, February 18, 2025