This new Roland Berger publication explores the potential – and the problems – in bringing proven artificial intelligence (AI) together with emerging quantum technologies. Far from blue-sky thinking, many companies already have this massively lucrative prize firmly in their sights.
How IT executives can respond to key trends in IT – and how companies can get ready for AI IT study 2024 – Trends, challenges and implications.
Explore immersive experiences that engage the senses and uncover growth opportunities in immersive art and digital content.
Join us at Roland Berger's Exclusive Networking Breakfast during CES 2025 and gain exciting insights into transformative technologies. Discuss current challenges in the automotive, energy, consumer goods and industrial processes sectors and take the opportunity to network with industry leaders. Further information is available here.
与许多其他欧洲人不同,对于唐纳德•特朗普当选美国第45任总统这一消息,我并不觉得非常惊讶。当今世界充满不确定性,民意调查已不再是准确无误的晴雨表,局势可能在哪怕最后一刻发生改变。英国脱欧公投就已经给包括欧洲在内的全世界上了一课。我认为特朗普竞选成功与英国脱欧公投这两个大事件的发展模式与影响几乎如出一辙。所有人都不相信英国将会退出欧盟,正如所有人都不看好特朗普的总统竞选。两个月前,我就英国脱欧一事在领英上发布了一篇 博客 ,深入分析了其中的根本原因。
点击 链接 ,阅读我在领英上的博客。
正如 《纽约时报》 评论的:“在英国脱欧与特朗普竞选成功之后,一切皆有可能。”