Asia is rapidly becoming the center of gravity for many major industries. Western companies need to build their presence and invest in the region.
The rules of global manufacturing have changed. Manufacturers face a complex web of factors that are forcing them to fundamentally rethink where and how they produce goods.
在当今中国制造业迅猛发展的浪潮中,正向研发与创新研发已成为汽车及复杂离散制造行业的主旋律。面对经济与国际环境的频繁波动,企业正承受着前所未有的降本增效重压,练好内功、强化核心竞争力已成为行业共识。 在此背景下,模块化研发脱颖而出,以其显著的提高研发效率、降低运营复杂度的效果,受到了业界的广泛关注。本报告将深入探索模块化研发的发展历程及实践落地的有效方法。
The automotive aftermarket is transforming as consumer preferences shift, digitalization accelerates, and electrification challenges traditional models.In our related webinar our experts, among the Elena Yakushkina, Neury Freitas, Daniel Rohrhirsch, Maximillian Wegner, will explore key findings from Roland Berger’s Automotive Aftermarket Pulse report and discuss how industry players can adapt to these changes, including the rise of non-branded parts and the impact of online sales.Don’t miss this chance for strategic insights to navigate the evolving landscape and register here.
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